Ridge Memory 9, 18×53 oil pastel over watercolor, © Elissa Gore 1999
BRIGHT HILL is dedicated to increasing audiences’ appreciation of the writing arts and oral traditions that comprise American literature, and to encouraging and furthering the tradition of poetry and writing in the Catskills and beyond. Writers and artists who participate in Bright Hill Press/Word Thursdays programs are selected for their artistic excellence, their ability and willingness to work within a community setting, and the diversity of their backgrounds, genres, and styles. BHP understands that recognition of the need for a literary community and a commitment to lifelong learning are critical aspects of audience development; our programs for children and adults engender the spirit, craft, and imagination that makes this possible.
Programs range from children and adult literary workshops to “Word Thursdays.” featured poet and writer readings with open mic.
The press has published more than 75 collections of poetry as well as anthologies of poetry, prose, and visual arts.
project’s objectives.” hcode_et_line_icon_list=”icon-laptop”]The Catskills reading series, every second and fourth Thursday of designated months[/hcode_feature_slide_content][hcode_feature_slide_content icon_color_style=”white-text” title_color_style=”white-text” title=”Children & Youth Arts Ed” subtitle=”We love working with people
who embrace the design.” hcode_et_line_icon_list=”icon-camera”]The Bright Hill Winter & Summer Literary Workshops for Kids and Teens[/hcode_feature_slide_content][hcode_feature_slide_content icon_color_style=”white-text” title_color_style=”white-text” title=”Adult Curriculum” subtitle=”Great service is achieved
through professionalism.” hcode_et_line_icon_list=”icon-toolbox”]The Bright Hill Writing & Visual Arts Community Workshops for Adults[/hcode_feature_slide_content][hcode_feature_slide_content icon_color_style=”white-text” title_color_style=”white-text” title=”Internship Program” subtitle=”Working with the latest
technology we design.” hcode_et_line_icon_list=”icon-envelope”]Bright Hill Internship Program for College, High-School, & Middle-School Students [/hcode_feature_slide_content][hcode_feature_slide_content icon_color_style=”white-text” title_color_style=”white-text” title=”Bright Hill Presents” subtitle=”We respond directly to a
project’s objectives.” hcode_et_line_icon_list=”icon-megaphone”]Speaking the Words Fest, Great American Poet Days, Veterans and Community Days, History Days[/hcode_feature_slide_content][/hcode_feature_slider]
Learn more about the Kindness Project by watching the video below.
In February 1999, Jennifer Finkle, a teacher at Andes Central School (1990 – present) wrote on the first page of an empty journal: Kindness Chain Key: “Remember you as a human being are very powerful and challenges teach us about the elasticity of the human spirit.”Use this journal to record a random act of kindness that you do for someone else. Pass the journal to the recipient and have them do the same. I hope you’ll be surprised to see how good random kindness can feel and hope it will continue within our school community. The first of hundreds of entries by faculty and staff followed, filling two large journals by 2019. Finkle was inspired by an episode of the Oprah Show in which she spoke of random kindness and how it can be just as fulfilling to the giver as it is to the receiver. The journals contain small, heartfelt and uplifting acts of random kindness, in written form. A retired administrator, who now helps with teacher evaluations, received the book and was so moved he recommended Finkle should get it published; “a lasting tribute to our unique school and all of the people who work so hard to make Andes Central School such a special place.”
Finkle partnered with Bright Hill Press to begin planning for the publication and circulation of The Andes Central School Faculty and Staff Kindness Journal, as well as the partner program “Kindness is Contagious Project.” Bertha Rogers, Editor-in Chief, will edit the manuscript, and Beatrice Georgalidis, executive director, is producing the project and promotional campaign with associate producer Sophie Bille.
500 copies of the Andes Central School Faculty and Staff Kindness Journal will be printed; one copy will be mailed to each of the 46 schools in the Delaware County and Otsego County BOCES school districts, including the gift of an empty journal, and a letter detailing the “Kindness is Contagious Project;” the hope that every school will begin their own kindness journal, and archive the kindness of their respective faculty and staff for years to come. A video, email and social media campaign will launch to publicize the publication of the journal, and the Kindness is Contagious Project.
On Thursday, September 23 , 2021, Bright Hill hosted a special Word Thursdays event featuring Jennifer Finkle and the Random Acts of Kindness Journal Writers. Watch BELOW.
The Bright Hill Center features the Bright Hill Community Library & Internet Wing, the Word & Image Gallery, our renovated education wing (where workshops take place, home to our smart board and art supply storage), our dine-in kitchen book shop, the Bright Hill administrative offices, and guest rooms for visiting writers and artists. Outdoors, the Patterns Literary Garden and the Children’s Secret Garden are features of our peaceful, Catskills nature haven.
Stay tuned for the virtual tour, coming soon.
The Bright Hill Kids Workshops are by far my children’s favorite option for summer activities. Two years in a row Bright Hill was the only “camp” my kids wanted to attend. The workshops are the perfect mix of literature, art, friends, and free time. Hands down one of the best gems of Delaware County!
[/hcode_testimonial_slide_content][hcode_testimonial_slide_content testimonial_style=”testimonial-slider-2″ title=”Susan Muther and Hazen Reed, Bright Hill Parents” hcode_title_color=”#737373″ hcode_content_color=”#939393″]
Our twin boys, who’ve attended the Bright Hill workshops for the past 5 years, simply adore them. Their enjoyment thrills us, but even more importantly, the workshops helped instill a true love of reading, research, the art of the spoken word, poetry, mythology, arts of all types, performance and more. The workshops’ positive and lasting impact is huge for our family, as evidenced by child-hosted poetry slams, written-word gifts for special occasions, and countless child-instigated trips to museums of all types. We’re blessed to have access to an educational resource of this caliber.
[/hcode_testimonial_slide_content][hcode_testimonial_slide_content testimonial_style=”testimonial-slider-2″ title=”Anna Sea, Bright Hill Parent” hcode_title_color=”#737373″ hcode_content_color=”#939393″]
We’ve been sending our first child, then our second, to Bright Hill Press workshops every year since 2006. We consider BHP to be an affordable unsung gem here in the Catskills, one of those rare gifts of place and experience that simultaneously bring educational value and exuberant joy to children and their families. I think a quote from my son sums it up: “I wish Bertha and Bright Hill Press was my full time school.”
[/hcode_testimonial_slide_content][hcode_testimonial_slide_content testimonial_style=”testimonial-slider-2″ title=”Jessica Patterson, Bright Hill Parent” hcode_title_color=”#737373″ hcode_content_color=”#939393″]
One day, while attending the usual parent’s presentation, I heard another voice come through the words of my daughter’s writing. It was her own creative heart peeping through. What a joy.
“Bright Hill Press for 25 years, under founding Director Bertha Rogers, has brought to life her vision of a network of writers and a center for teaching the young and sustaining in the community the life of the literary mind. Reading and attending Word Thursdays and special events, and having my book chosen for Bright Hill Press, have nourished my writing in countless ways for which I am unspeakably grateful.”

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