
Book Arts 2006: Bright Hill Center


Bertha Rogers, Editor

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Cultural Writing. Book Arts. Exhibit catalog of the Fifth Annual North American Juried Book Arts Exhbition at Bright Hill Center, Treadwell, NY, juried by Richard Minsky and the Bertha Rogers. The catalog includes detailed photographs of more than 45 examples of the finest in contemporary book arts and bookbinding, artists’ statements and photographs, and biographies of contributing artists. individual artists’ books contain both words & images in a book format with a clearly-stated concept, thought-provoking text, engaging visual presentation, words and the images that relate well to each other, exceptional technical presentation, an imaginative approach, and an integrated overall delivery of the message. Richard Minsky, In the 70s and 80s, made bindings that radicalized the field, moving the craft to an art museum experience, later pioneering the use of computers and inkjet printing in producing book art. He publishes fine editions and occasionally writes and illustrates them. Juror and editor Bertha Rogers has read, lectured about, and taught writing and fine and applied arts to children, adults, and teachers for many years and is founding executive director of Bright Hill Literary Center.


Bertha Rogers, poet and visual artist, has been a master teaching artists in schools, community centers, the Bright Hill Literary Center, and other facilities for many years. Through Bright Hill she has published more than 30 anthologies and 60 individual collections of poetry. She is a contributor to Open the Door (McSweeney’s, 2013).Her most recent collection is Heart Turned Back (Salmon Poetry, 2010). She translated Beowulf, the Anglo-Saxon epic (Birch Brook Press, 2000) and her translation of the Anglo-Saxon Exeter Riddles is forthcoming.

Author City: DELHI, NY USA

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