Youth Programming

The In-Person Workshops take place at Bright Hill Literary Center’s Education Wing, 94 Church Street, Treadwell, NY. Space is limited, so early registration is advised.

All of the Bright Hill Literary Workshops for Youth include writing and visual arts and incorporate science and math for projects; we believe in STEAM.


Bright Hill will provide morning and afternoon snacks, but kids should bring their own bag lunches. CHILDREN ages 6(in the first grade) – 14.

The fee for each five-day literary workshop is:

  • tri-county youth $170
  • out-of-area students $250

Registration is limited to 22 students.

2025 Workshop Dates

Winter 1: February 17-21:

Winter 2: April 21-25:

Summer 1: June 25-July 2. 

Summer 2: July 28- August 1

Summer 3: August 18-August 22 

Details about upcoming workshops coming soon.
Already registered and want to pay online? Click here.

Bertha Rogers co-founded with Ernest M. Fishman Bright Hill Press & Literary Center in 1992 and the Bright Hill Literary Workshops for Kids Program in 1993. A Master Teaching Artist, Rogers has presented programs in schools, libraries, and community venues since 1975, including NYC’s Teachers & Writers Collaborative and the Catskills DCMO and ONC BOCES Arts in Education Program.

Rogers has served as judge for local, regional, and NY state NEA Poetry Out Loud Contests and is a member of the selection committee for the NY Writers Hall of Fame.

Each BH Literary Workshop for Kids program includes 5 intensive days that begin at 9 am and end at 2:30 pm; after lunch on the last day, the kids present their poems and/or riddles in the Bright Hill Library to an audience of family and friends, after which they exhibit their completed projects in the Education Wing.

During each day’s session, the big kids and interns work with the younger kids as they write their poems, riddles, stories, and essays, and as they complete their visual works: artist books, papier mache sculptures, and performance pieces.

Rogers, a poet and visual artist, has been awarded residency fellowships to artist colonies, among them MacDowell, Millay, Saltonstall, and Hawthornden Intl’l Writing Retreat in Scotland. Her visual works have been shown in hundreds of juried and solo exhibits throughout the US and Europe and are collected in the Harry Ransom Archive at the University of Texas. Rogers’s poems appear in journals and anthologies and the collections Wild, Again (Salmon, 2019); Heart Turned Back (Salmon, 2010); Even the Hemlock(Six Swans, 2005); The Fourth Beast(Snark, 2004); A House of Corners (Three Conditions, 2000); Sleeper, You Wake (Mellen, 1991); and What Want Brings: New & Selected Poems (Salmon, 2022). Her translation of Beowulf,the Anglo-Saxon epic, was published in 2000 (Birch Brook); her translation of the riddle-poems from the Anglo-Saxon Exeter Book, Uncommon Creatures, was published in 2019 (Six Swans).

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