
Book Arts 2010: Bright Hill Center


Bertha Rogers, Editor

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Literary Nonfiction. Art. Photography. Edited by Bertha Rogers. Catalog of the Eighth Americas Curated Book Arts Exhibit at Bright HIll Literary Center, curated by Elsi Vassdal Ellis and Bertha Rogers. The catalog includes detailed photographs of the finest in contemporary book arts and book binding. Individual artists’ books contain both words and images in a book format with a clearly-stated concept, thought-provoking text, engaging visual and exceptional technical presentation, an imaginative approach, and an integrated overall delivery. Includes artists’ books by Alex Appella Alicia Bailey, Tara Bryan, Sarah Bryant, Deborah Phillips Chodoff, Sally Canzoneri, Elaine Downing, Elsi Vassdal Ellis, Wendy Fernstrum, Patricia Grass, Karen Hanmer, Margery S. Hellman, Sun Young Kang, Monique Lallier, Elaine Langerman, Sara Longworthy, Roberta Lavadour, Aimee Lee, Julia Leonard, Jim Machacek, Rachel Melis, Kelly Nelson, Bonnie Thompson Norman, Tara O’Brien, Jan Owen, Susan Porteous, Johanne Renbeck, Bertha Rogers, Abigail Rorer, Sibyl Rubottom, Laura Russell, Carolyn Shattuck, Ellen Sheffield, Jessica Spring, Peter & Donna Thomas, Jill Timm, Jennifer Vignone, Susan Viguers, Shu-Ju Wang, Beata Wehr, Laurie Weiss, Asa Yoshie.


Bertha Rogers, poet and visual artist, has been a master teaching artists in schools, community centers, the Bright Hill Literary Center, and other facilities for many years. Through Bright Hill she has published more than 30 anthologies and 60 individual collections of poetry. She is a contributor to Open the Door (McSweeney’s, 2013).Her most recent collection is Heart Turned Back (Salmon Poetry, 2010). She translated Beowulf, the Anglo-Saxon epic (Birch Brook Press, 2000) and her translation of the Anglo-Saxon Exeter Riddles is forthcoming.

Author City: DELHI, NY USA

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