[hcode_content_block hcode_block_premade_style=”block-29″ hcode_block_title=”GUIDELINES FOR FEATURED READINGS AT BRIGHT HILL” hcode_block_subtitle=”GUIDELINES FOR 2024″]Bright Hill Press and Literary Center was begun in 1992 with the Word Thursdays Reading Series. Interested in Being Considered for a Featured Reading at Word Thursdays?

Deadline to apply for consideration: December 15, 2023

(2023 Season is booked – however writers are encouraged to sign up for our newsletter for updates on available open mic spots every second and fourth Thursday through the end of the season)

Your writing will be:

  1. Creative (literary) nonfiction, or about writers, or writing published in a literary journal, anthology, edited web publication, or a chapbook or full-length book of prose or poetry published by a literary publisher using a professional editorial selection process;
  2. Literary translation published in a literary journal, anthology, or edited web publication;
  3. A play (or plays) that has (or have) received a full production at a regional theater or Off-off-Broadway;
  4. A play or plays (full-length or one-act) that has (or have) been published in a literary journal, anthology, or edited web publication; or by a recognized play publisher.
  5. Work that is self-published or requires payment by the author is not eligible.
  6. Note: Bright Hill has a guest room with two single beds for poets and writers who live 75 or more miles from Treadwell for IN PERSON READINGS.
  7. Note: To be considered, email a 200-word bio to info@brighthillpress.org and mail a copy of your book to Word Thursdays at BHP, 94 Church Street, Treadwell, NY 13846.
  8. Note: All featured poets and writers are paid on a sliding scale.
  9. Questions: Call 607-829-5055 or email info@brighthillpress.org.



  1.   Attend at least two Word Thursdays readings in a calendar year (they take place the second and fourth Thursdays from April through mid-November);
  2.   Take part in the open mic section of three Word Thursdays;
  3.   Have begun sending out individual poems, stories, or play excerpts in literary journals, anthologies, or edited web publications
  4.   Note: To be considered, email a 200-word bio to info@brighthillpress.org, If you have a chapbook or full-length book, mail a copy to Word Thursdays at BHP, 94 Church Street, Treadwell, NY 13846.
  5. Note: All featured poets and writers are paid on a sliding scale.
  6.  Questions: Call 607-829-5055 or email info@brighthillpress.org.

[/hcode_content_block][hcode_content_block hcode_block_premade_style=”block-29″ hcode_block_title=”POETRY CHAPBOOK COMPETITION” hcode_block_subtitle=”GUIDELINES FOR 2022 | Publication 2023″]


(Please note full length poetry book competition will remain closed until further notice)

ELECTRONIC DEADLINE – November 30, 2022:

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically. You will need to set up an account at https://www.brighthillpress.org/submissions/

Once you have set up your account, follow the directions for submitting.


Results will be announced in Spring 2023 – Publication late 2023


16-24 pages, plus bio, table of contents, acknowledgments page, and title page. Manuscript must be paginated. To submit, follow directions above.

MANUSCRIPTS WILL BE JUDGED ANONYMOUSLY. Include two title pages: one with title only; one with title, author’s name, address, telephone, acknowledgments, and bio.

More than one manuscript may be submitted but each requires a reading fee.

Simultaneous submissions are acceptable but Bright Hill Press must be notified if the manuscript is taken elsewhere.

Manuscripts will be read by Bright Hill; top 20-25 mss. will be read by a nationally-known poet.


$17, Payable by credit card or PayPal. 


WINNER RECEIVES PUBLICATION, $350, and 30 copies of his/her professionally printed chapbook, which will be nationally advertised and distributed. Additional copies will be sent to reviewers

SOME BRIGHT HILL PRESS CHAPBOOK TITLES: The Ruined Walled Castle Garden (Mary Gilliland); Threshold of Light (Michael S. Glazer); Passing Through Blue Earth (Cynthia Neely); Heirloom Bulldog (Lynn McGee); Language You Refuse to Learn (Claudia M. Stanek); The Cards We’ve Drawn (Scot Slaby); Other People’s Stories (Barbara Elovic); In the Garden (Susan Spivack); Self-Portrait / Sixteen Sevenlings (Rodger Moody); A Tide of a Hundred Mountains 

[/hcode_content_block][hcode_content_block hcode_block_premade_style=”block-29″ hcode_block_title=”Word and Image Gallery Exhibit Guidelines – Closed Until Further Notice” hcode_block_subtitle=”No submissions accepted until further notice.” hcode_block_preview_image=””]Bright Hill Literary Center’s Word & Image Gallery, 94 Church Street, Treadwell, NY, dedicated to the exhibition of artworks that successfully integrate language and visual art, announces a call for exhibit proposals for 2021.

Work to be considered for the the 2021 season will be work that successfully integrates words & images and may be either two- or three-dimensional. Interested artists will submit a written proposal; exhibit proposals by artists working collaboratively will also be considered. Materials that must be included in the proposal package are:

Exhibit proposal, no more than 500 words;
Artist’s statement, no more than 200 words (if a collaborative proposal, statements by all included artists);
Artist’s biography, no more than 200 words (if a collaborative proposal, statements by all included artists);
Artist’s resume, no more than 4 pages (include complete contact information, i.e., web site, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone/cell phone number(s);
CD with 20 digital images of the work proposed or work that is closely representative of the work proposed;
Four examples of the writing that will accompany the images or be incorporated into the images;
Self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of materials.


On acceptance, Bright Hill will provide written dimensions of the gallery to the artist;
Selected artist will be required to mat and frame or otherwise prepare his/her work for display;
Selected artist will install his/her exhibit (Bright Hill staff will be on hand to help, if necessary)
Artist will supply Bright Hill with a list of all artworks to be included in exhibit, plus media, and sale price (60 percent of exhibit works must be for sale). Bright Hill will prepare labels for walls (our wall labels include name of work, medium, and price).
Artist will pay the cost of printing 1,000 4″ x 6″ or 5.5″ x 8.5″ postcards; Bright Hill will prepare the artwork, work with the printer, and pay for the cost of mailing postcards to BHP’s list and to that of the artist (a total of about 800 postcards); BHP will also feature the artist’s work on the organization’s e-letter and on Facebook;
Bright Hill will e-mail press releases with accompanying jpegs to more than100 print and broadcast media throughout New York’s Catskill Mountain Region, the Central Leatherstocking Region, and the Capital Region—if artist has specific recommendations for press releases he/she may give that information to BHP, and BHP will send releases to those addresses.

Bright Hill takes a 30 percent commission on sales; payment will be made to artist at completion of exhibit.

Submissions can be made to info@brighthillpress.org.

WE RECOMMEND THAT INTERESTED ARTISTS VISIT THE GALLERY in order to address particular spatial concerns.

*** Update: due to Covid 19, art exhibits in 2020 are currently suspended. We are reevaluating in-person exhibits for the 2021 season. Submissions will be considered for in-person and/or virtual exhibits.[/hcode_content_block][hcode_content_block][/hcode_content_block]

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