
It Does Not


Julia Suarez

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Poetry. Times’ thefts and compensations and how they shape people intrigue this poet. Her poems often begin in the center of the world, her garden, and lead her to the remembered gardens of her childhood, to family stories, to observations of the landscape and the seasons, to the people and the stories that connect them to the larger landscape of time, memory, and loss. They are both elegies and celebrations.

“These poems by Julia Suarez triumph by demonstrating in fresh ways an old truth: that in elegy, precision exhilarates. The inspiration, heart, fidelity, and informed work of the gardener; the same qualities in the poet—with these, Suarez presents her distinctive, gorgeous pageant of losses and restorations.”—Robert Pinsky

“Rarely has the fact that mortality becomes the air we breathe been rendered with more force. This book is as close to perfect as a group of poems ever need come—a little masterpiece.”—Frank Bidart


Julia Suarez Hayes is assistant professor of English and coordinator of the Writing Center. Professor Suarez Hayes supervises the Writing Center tutorial program. She also teaches creative writing, composition, English grammar, and American literature, with a specialty in the American Romantics. She researches and transcribes historic journals and has published both poetry and literary essays. She is advisor to the English honorary, Sigma Tau Delta. She also serves as judge for the Anna Sonder Prize of the Academy of American Poets, and as a member of the selection committee for the John Christopher Hartwick Award. Her book of poems, entitled It Does Not, was published by Bright Hill Press (2006, Treadwell, NY) in its Poetry Chapbook Series. Former U.S. poet laureate Robert Pinsky finds in her poems “inspiration, heart, fidelity, and the informed work of the gardener,” which he says are qualities with which “Suarez presents her distinctive, gorgeous pageant of losses and restorations.” Bollingen Prize winner Frank Bidart wrote that “Rarely has the fact that mortality becomes the air we breathe been rendered with more force. This book is as close to perfect as a group of poems ever need come.” He called it “a.masterpiece.”

Author City: USA

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