
Like Light: 25 Years of Poetry & Prose by Bright Hill Poets & Writers


A celebration of Bright Hill’s 25 years, “Like Light” represents a cross section of the thousands of writers who have read their work at BHP and whose work has been published by Bright Hill; the writers are from the USA, Canada, the UK, and Europe. The work in the anthology also represents the diversity of and wide interests of the contributors.

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Poetry. Fiction. Literary Nonfiction. Bright Hill Press was founded in 1992; since then, the press has published more than 90 titles, primarily poetry but also fiction and nonfiction. This book, edited by BHP’s founding director and editor-in-chief Bertha Rogers, is a celebration of Bright Hill’s 25 years; it represents a cross section of the thousands of writers who have read their work at BHP and whose work has been published by Bright Hill; the writers are from the USA, Canada, the UK, and Europe. The work in the anthology also represents the diversity of and wide interests of the contributors.

Contributors include: Betty Aberlin, Joel Allegretti, Dorothy Friedman August, Jeanne Marie Beaumont, Bruce Bennett, Robert Bensen, Bhisham Bherwani, Mermer Blakeslee, Cheryl Boyce-Taylor, Frank Boyer, Maureen Brady, Lee Briccetti, Patricia Brody, Andrea Carter Brown, Ryan J. Browne,  Joseph Bruchac, Christopher Bursk, David Cappella,  Patricia Carragon, Alan Catlin, Alex Cigale,  Breena Clarke, Cheryl Clarke, Joanne M. Clarkson, Suzanne Cleary,  Esther Cohen,  Jaimee Wriston Colbert, Alfred Corn, Nancy Vieira Couto, Kathleen Cromwell, Dale Dapkins,  Eva Davidson, Carol V. Davis, Brittney S,Dayeh, Chard deNiord, Lori Desrosiers, Ram Devineni, Sean Thomas Dougherty, George Drew, William Duke, Evelyn Duncan, Graham Duncan, Patricia Eakins, Judith Edelstein, Joseph Elliot, Barbara Elovic, Alvin Eng, Karen Fabiane, Gil Fagiani, Margot Farrington, Allen C. Fischer, Sally Fisher, Charles Fishman,  Rachel Contreni Flynn, Richard Foerster, Alice B. Fogel, April Ford, Peter Fortunato, Fox Frazier-Foley, Philip Fried, Carol Frost, Joanna Fuhrman, Eric Gansworth, Christine Gelineau,  Paul Genega, Beatrice Georgalidis, Becky Gould Gibson, Maria Mazziotti Gillan, Mary Gilliland, Veronica Golos, David Gonzalez, melissa christine goodrum, Roberta Gould, Michael Graves, Elizabeth T. Gray Jr.,Geraldine Green, Andrei Guruianu, Naomi Guttman, Janet Hamill,  Elaine Handley, Steven Hartman, Roger Hecht, Alba Delia Hernandez, Robert Hershon, Jesse Hilson, Jean Hollander, Amy Holman, Bob Holman, Ginnah Howard, Steven Huff, Colette Inez,  M. J. Iuppa, Michael Jennings, Nicholas Johnson, Michael Jurkovic, Janet Kaplan, Meg Kearney,  Ruth Moon Kempher, Judith Kerman, Burt Kimmelman, Alan King, Alison Koffler, David J. Krajicek, William Kramer, Thomas Krampf, Mindy Kronenberg, Joan Larkin, Steven Lautermilch, Jeffrey Ethan Lee, Linda Lerner, Donald Lev, Toni Mergentime Levi, Richard Levine, Helane Levine-Keating, Maria Lisella, Christopher Locke, Katharyn Howd Machan,  Jeanne Mackin, Sheila Maldonado, Djelloul Marbrook, Lynn McGee, Kate McNairy, Joan McNerney, Billy Merrell, Sharon Mesmer, Robert Milby, Judith Mok, Rodger Moody, Daniel T. Moran, Caroline Morrell, Andrew Morris, Philip Mosley, Cynthia Neely, Murat Nemet-Nejat,  Richard Jeffrey Newman, Constance Norgren, John Paul O’Connor, Sharon Olinka, Steven Ostrowski, Matthew Paris, Lynn Pattison, Ellen Peckham, Alice Pero, Jo Pitkin, Palline Plum,   Georgia Popoff, Andrea Potos, Gretchen Primack, Lucyna Prostko, Suzanne Rancourt, Claudia M. Reder, Lisa Rhoades, Sherry Robbins, Bertha Rogers, Jay Rogoff, Liz Rosenberg, Charles Rossiter, Sharon Ruetenik, Helen Ruggieri, Mary Kay Rummel, Thaddeius Rutkowski, Margaret Ryan, Barbara Salvatore, Terrence Savoie, Boria Sax, Myra Shapiro, Steven Sher, Steven Sherrill,  Hilary Sideris, Karen Skolfield, Scot Slaby, Jordan Smith, Matthew J. Spireng, Susan Fantl Spivack, Claudia Stanek, Julian Stannard, Shelby Stephenson, Pamela Strother, Julia Suarez, Karen Swenson, Meredith Trede, Emily Vogel, Charlotte Zöe Walker, Barry Wallenstein, John Walsh, Chocolate Waters, Michael Waters, Bruce Weber, Joe Weil, Estha Weiner, Andrew Weinstein, Bhikshuni Weisbrot, Dan Wilcox, Malcolm Willison, Martin Willitts Jr., Teresa Winchester, Dayl Wise, Scott Withiam, Chavisa Woods, Carolyne Wright,  Lisa Wujnovich, Don Yorty, Marly Youmans, Margaret Young, Michael T. Young