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Porcupine in Freefall


Poetry. “There are a lot of young writers with talent but Rainie Oet has a strange and mature vision as well, which dwells in a convergence of clarity and swerve, comedy and disquiet, privacy and sociability, tenderness, and something just a touch hard. PORCUPINE IN FREEFALL is no mere concept album, though it has got a rather original driving concept. Combining the authentic feel of seeming autobiographical narrative with surrealistic, whimsical, sometimes lyric, sometimes anti-lyric adventures, this debut is a curiosity and a delight.”—Daisy Fried

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Rainie Oet is a nonbinary writer and game designer. They are the author of two other books: Inside Ball Lightning (SEMO Press, 2020) and Glorious Veils of Diane (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2021). They received their MFA in Poetry from Syracuse University, where they were awarded the Shirley Jackson Prize in Fiction.


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